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Activism Projects

Here's a look at some of the projects that are going on in the 2023-2024 academic year. 

Pathways for ALL Huskies

PAH logo on white background ADA blue wheelchair logo turned into non-binary character w/shag hair and bowtie, watch

One of the 2023 University of Washington Husky Seed Fund winners, PAH promotes accessible wayfinding on the UW Seattle campus in a fun, artistic, and interactive way while also raising awareness about the need for accessibility on college and university campuses to remove barriers to education. PAH consulted with the Intramural Athletics Department after they received a grant for accessible equipment. We're working with them on wayfinding to the equipment area, ensuring equipment is accessible for users with different access needs, creating demo videos with actual disabled/Crip users, working on signage indicating users with access needs have priority, and creating a new website. 

QueerCrip Research Collective

QCRC is a Graduate Research Cluster funded by The Simpson Center for the Humanities for LGBTQIA2S+ and disabled, chronically ill, mad, neurodivergent and/or allied students to come together in community for research support while in grad school as students we are typically the most undersupported students on campus. 

Logo for QCRC, white background, muted rainbow stripes on bottom and in C shape on right with text
Social media post for previous event, pic of Tiffany carrying a walker, Ask Me Anything About Studying Abroad w/ Disabilities

Accessibility Abroad!

AMA: Studying Abroad With Disabilities

Working to promote awareness that studying abroad is possible for students with disabilities. I've hosted an AMA event and worked with the Global Engagement Student Group as well as offering to help restructure the Study Abroad website to include a checklist for students who need to plan for accommodations, including academic accommodations, medication access, caregivers, and all of the things that go into a trip outside of the U.S. that's possible as a student - with planning! 


American Anthropological Association

This project is in the works, so we'll see what happens. Currently, I serve on the board in the student seat for the Association of the Anthropology of Consciousness - an amazing group of individuals! I'm running for the student seat on the Executive Board of the American Anthropological Association to combat academic ableism! Conferences are HARD and made harder when things are consistently inaccessible. Believe me, I know my website isn't fully accessible so I understand that things aren't always easy to do on your own, but I'm all about change making, so we'll see what happens. 

Tiffany & 4 more at a long table in a convention center about to give presentation for the Assoc of Anth of Consciousness

©2022 by TA Gatsby.

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